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Kings Outside 73

Middle School Spiritual Formation


As a Christian School we offer an accredited Christian Studies program which is biblically-based, academically rigorous, and reflective. It includes study of ethics, philosophy, and comparative religion.

We encourage thought; ours is a thinking faith. Through regular worship, devotions, and voluntary Christian youth groups, our students can question and express different ideas respectfully. Our large student faith and service team initiates and leads activities and a highly regarded, systematic pastoral care, wellbeing and life skills program means we build sustainable and mutually respectful relationships with families.

Spiritual Formation is an essential component of a Christian school education. In Middle School, we value our pastoral programs and building relationships with our students. Pastoral is one 40 minute lesson each day, which comprises of Faith studies, Devotions, Chapels and Wellbeing programs.

All students participate in a variety of outreach and service programs throughout their time at King’s including Jump Rope for Heart, Operation Christmas Child, World Vision and support of the King’s Friendship Centre (Cambodia) to name just a few.

Faith Studies Framework

Year 6-Year 7: The Heroic Journey

In Middle School, learning continues in a structured exploration that mirrors the changes and growth journey being undertaken by the students through this period from Years 6 to 9. In Year 6/7 students look at the big questions of ‘who is our God’, ‘who we are at King’s’ and ‘who am I’.

They engage with the journeys of many Biblical characters and examine the notion of Creation, Alienation, Preparation, Incarnation, Salvation, Participation and Restoration. They are encouraged to consider their place in God’s story through the our Heroes of the Faith unit as well as The Heroic Habits program.

Year 8: The Anchored Journey

The Middle Years learning program culminates in Year 9 with the year long, single-sex learning program, The Rite Journey. It is specifically designed to help students in their transition from childhood to adulthood. The course seeks to equip boys and girls to grow into the best men and women they can be, and each group is run with a teacher of the same gender who acts as a mentor throughout the year. This structure helps to facilitate a space where students are encouraged to learn, grow and share in a gender specific environment.

Year 9: The Rite Journey

The Middle Years learning program culminates in Year 9 with the year long, single-sex learning program, The Rite Journey. It is specifically designed to help students in their transition from childhood to adulthood. The course seeks to equip boys and girls to grow into the best men and women they can be, and each group is run with a teacher of the same gender who acts as a mentor throughout the year. This structure helps to facilitate a space where students are encouraged to learn, grow and share in a gender specific environment.

Faith Expression

The Middle School celebrates two major events in the Christian calendar: Easter (Holy Week) and Christmas. Students also experience Daily Devotions, Weekly Chapels, and regular Faith Studies lessons.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge that everything in heaven and earth belongs to God.

We acknowledge the Kaurna people and the Peramangk people as the traditional custodians of the lands on which our schools are located.

We pay our respects to all elders, past, present and those to come, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

We commit ourselves to pray and work for justice and reconciliation with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia.